4-Day UART Workshop with Douglas Tweddale: “It’s All About Water“
Location: Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts & Sciences, Long Beach Township, NJ
Date: Thursday September 10 – Sunday September 13 2020
Time: Thursday September 10th 9:00 am-4:00 pm, Friday September 11th 9:00 am-4:00 pm, Saturday September 12th 9:00 am-4:00 pm & Sunday September 13th 9:00 am-4:00 pm
Instructor: Doug Tweddale
Medium: Pastels
Skill level: Beginner to advanced
Number of Workshop Days: 4
Price: $375.00
Long Beach Island is surrounded by water in many of its most beautiful states – marshes, surf, inlets and salt flats. Often many artists avoid painting moving water because it can be intimidating. Indeed, painting moving water can be a challenge, yet there are some very effective practices to achieve loose and flowing water in your paintings.
This workshop will focus on painting water and its surroundings, and will demonstrate techniques to depict water that will give your paintings a feel of movement and vibrancy. Won’t it be wonderful to not avoid a beautiful subject like this again! Doug will be demonstrating the use of watercolor under painting to start a water painting, and also how to use color and the looseness of pastels to create convincing water in your work.
Check out Doug’s paintings at www.dougtweddale.com
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