2-Day UART Workshop with Nancy Nowak: “UnGreen”

Location: Nancy’s Home Studio, Suwanee, GA
Date:  Saturday March 2 and Sunday March 3 2019
Time: Saturday March 2nd 9:00 am-4:00 pm, Sunday March 3rd 9:00 am-4:00 pm
Instructor: Nancy Nowak
Medium: Pastels
Skill level: Beginner to advanced
Number of Workshop Days: 2
Price: $275.00

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Come spring, our landscape is filled with green. Green trees, green bushes and foliage, green grasses. Beautiful to look at but what a challenge to paint! Learn how to interpret the green landscape, using inspirational underpainting techniques to bring out more subtle colors and hues to make a much more interesting painting.

Nancy’s workshop and demos will include discussion on materials, composition, value studies, color temperatures and color harmony, importance of simplifying, massing, underpainting, and discussion on what makes a successful painting with plenty of one-on-one easel time.

About the Artist: For Nancy Nowak, it’s all about creating. It’s being attuned to the inspiration that nature provides, and intuitively, patiently, and creatively, letting go and seeing where that leads. “Color and light are what inspires me. It is an ongoing endeavor to capture it artistically yet technically and to bring out the spirit of my subjects using the glorious medium of pastels”. Striving to evoke an emotional response and awareness to the everyday beauty that surrounds us, Nancy Nowak paints in the representational style with an impressionist flair.

A graduate from Cleveland Institute of Art, with a BFA degree, Nancy has exhibited her pastel paintings throughout the world and has won numerous international and national awards. She has been featured in Pastel Journal Magazine multiple times, along with receiving 1st place in the Pastel Journal Magazines’ Top 100 (2016) for her landscape, and 3rd place overall in 2017. Nancy has achieved Master Circle status with the International Association of Pastel Societies, is a Signature Member of Pastel Society of America, and Member of Excellence in the Southeastern Pastel Society.

Check out Nancy’s website at www.nancynowak.com

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